Friday, December 4, 2015

Three Things Great Parents Do Differently Dr. Glenna Rice and Dr. Pat Baccili!

This incredible episode of The Dr. Pat Show features Dr. Glenna Rice and the series The Questionable Parent.

Dr. Glenna Rice

Most parents want the best for their children, what can you do as a parent that will contribute to creating more ease for you and empower you children to be greater?

Did anyone teach you to be a parent What if there were tools that could make your job a whole lot easier Glenna invites you to be the questionable parent you truly be, to empower parents to know that they know and give them the awareness required to create ease and joy with their children.

Glenna is Coming to Seattle!! The first weekend in December, she will be leading Access Consciousness The Bars Classes. Read on to learn more about The Bars and find out more about how to join Glenna in Seattle: CLICK HERE

Dr. Pat:                Hey everybody welcome, what a great show we’ve got planned for you. I love it when Glenna Rice is in the house.  You know one of the most profound things that I’ve learned in the past couple of years is understanding about the world of possibilities and how that world can manifest through questions. What is it about ourselves that continues to try to solve the problem at the level of the problem.
                            Each and every one of us gets to look at our lives in many, many different ways. Today is really about looking at our lives by asking questions, questions that could be as simple as- what else is possible here?  Or a little bit more complicated and that’s why Glenna Rice is joining us here today. 
                            What are three things that great parents do differently?  What are three things that great parents do differently?  Most parents want the best for their children, what can you do as a parent that will contribute to creating more ease for you and empower your children to be greater. Isn’t this really the question for us?
                            Glenna is someone who travels all over the world, she has an ongoing monthly tele-call Questionable Conversations with Glenna Rice, and you’ll find out why in a minute. She does events, and classes on whether or not we can clearly understand our body, the messages in it. She teaches The Access Bars which is a foundation in level one and that is going to be happening in Seattle.
                            We’ve got some cool things happening in Seattle in December and January, we’re going to hear about that.  As an Access Consciousness facilitator, it’s not just traveling the world but it’s also traveling the world and watching a level of awakening that happens within each of the people that she gets to work with and help.
                            That has been so important for me, one of the most significant questions I’ve learned in my lifetime is asking the question especially when I’m in the middle of a big conundrum. Whether it’s with a child, whether it’s with a parent, whether it’s with the radio show, whether it’s with a produce is what else is possible here baby.  I added the baby.
                            Glenna, welcome to the show.
Glenna Rice:        Hi Dr. Pat. This show is always so wonderful.
Dr. Pat:                You couldn’t have planned this any better. You actually had a real life event happen here on the show right?
Glenna:                Yeah.
Dr. Pat:                But I’m saying isn’t it interesting what shows up, so three things. I wanted you to comment before we even jump into this, I’ve touched upon the idea of living in the question. I would love for the many, many people now that probably have not heard you on this show because we have a new syndication.
                            I want us to stop for a minute and talk about Access Consciousness and how this works. When I say Glenna has Questionable Conversations there may be many people that don’t know what that is.  I would love for you to talk about this for a minute.
Glenna:                Okay cool.

                            Access Consciousness is a body of work, it’s work that allows you to be you.  There’s a whole bunch of questions, tools, processes and ways you can start accessing which is why it’s got this really cool name Access, accessing you. It’s pragmatic tools, easy tools, sometimes they’re so easy they don’t make sense to people.
                            Part of it is being willing to be a question all the time when things aren’t working for you and change it. Being a question with you so you can start to become more aware of who you are.  You have to question, you’re not looking for answers you’re looking for possibilities or you’re looking for doors to open that you can crack through and start creating changes. You’re looking for awareness, is what the questions are giving you is more awareness about everything. 
                            You have more awareness about you and about everything going on in your life, than you really have choice to choose the things that are working for you, get rid of the things that aren’t working for you. My monthly tele-call is Questionable Conversations, it’s a conversation with participants about different topics- often about the body. Where we start to look at the things that aren’t working for us and how to change it, we do clearing statements and other tools from Access are all a part of it.
                            It’s an amazing call, I have so much fun with it. The participants the way they contribute, everybody’s contributing what they know. Really access is about empowering you to know that you know and to be who you are.
Dr. pat:                I really wanted to talk about this before we jump right into the conversation. I have to tell you, I’m not an expert at this but I’ve learned a few things along the way thanks to you and Gary, and Access Consciousness.  One of the things that I’ve learned and I’d love for you to talk about this is all of a sudden I’m in the middle of what could be a potential disastrous day right.  How do I know that?  Because I know what they’re like.
                            Then I remember and I don’t really  have your toolbox, I have a couple of go to things and today we’re going to give people more tools. Then I go to wait a minute Pat, what else is possible here? Then you have guided me to also enable myself to ask that every 10 seconds.
                            Can you tell me about that? Because the thing I was always struck by is, wait a minute once we get a level of awareness that’s it we’re good to go. But if I ask in this moment, what else is possible here?  How does this process of exploration through the question enable me to build upon awakening and awareness?
Glenna:                That’s a good question, that’s a really easy one.
                            There’s infinite possibilities all the time, you can always have more possibilities. It’s not something that ends, you don’t just become aware and awakened and everything stops and you’re aware and awakened.  You’re creating your life and you’re being, and doing, and generating things all the time.  This reality is pretty funky.
                            Our relationships are funky, our families are funky, our jobs are funky there’s weird stuff that’s going on. There’s stuff that stops us in our tracks all the time. These tools allow you to not be stopped in your tracks.  What’s possible is always available for everything that shows up, there’s always another possibility.
                            We have so many fixed points of views and we buy into other people’s points of view, and we worry about what other people think, and we have judgements about stuff.  All of that stops us from seeing what’s actually true.  We’re seeing what’s there and what’s possible because judgements, decisions, and conclusions, and fixed points of views don’t allow you to access awareness because you can’t see anything that doesn’t match your point of view.
                            Even the most enlightened of beings have things that show up in their world that probably stops them in their tracks. They have a fixed point of view or they get someone else’s point of view and they don’t even know if it’s theirs or not. These tools allow you to get rid of those things and start seeing what works.
                            What else is possible gives you access to the infinite possibilities. You’re also asking another great question of how does it get better than this, which is another amazing tool of access. You’re always looking for what’s better, more or creating more in your life. That’s not something people do often is look for what’s great, we often get fixated on the stuff that’s not working.
Dr. Pat:                Let’s talk about enlightened beings for a minute. I’m referring to parents of course, what are three things great parents differently. We really do believe at some level that parents are supposed to be the pillar of perfection, perhaps enlightened and then we turn around with not only a high expectation but the ability to disappoint.
                            I’m kind of wrapping it together because three things great parents do differently, the first question would be my gosh are there even really any great parents?  It’s that journey right that we go down to figure out what does that mean to even be a great parent?  How does one get to really understanding what a great parent even looks like Glenna?
Glenna:                Yeah, that’s a great question and what’s an enlightened being? I actually couldn’t tell you what an enlightened being is, I just threw the word out. It has a lot of judgment attached to it.
                            Great parents what do they do? There’s ways of being a parent that empower your children and you don’t stop your life at the same time.  You are able to acknowledge your children’s abilities and capacities and be an energy that facilitates that for them. Not an energy that stops what’s possible for them.
                            A great parent is someone who’s able to be aware of their children, be aware of their life not stop their life and be there for what their children require, when they require it- not give them more than what they require. Also just willing to be the kind of parent that works for them and their family, not a parent you’re supposed to be but a parent that works for you which is a really different thing.
                            What society and coaches tell us all the time about what a parent should be changes, you’re supposed to be bear the rod and spoil the child back 100 years ago.  Now if you’re even angry with your children in public you’re considered a bad parent so it’s always changing.
                            A great parent for me is someone who empowers their children to be greater and also is doing that for themselves.

Dr. Pat:                Today’s conversation is a conversation that each of us can have about not just understanding what great parents do but what do they do differently.  What does this really mean some of these things that Glenna just pointed out. And then the question is how do we move towards that?  How do we strive towards that? 
                            We’re going to take a short break and when we come back it’s a very big conversation. I want to make sure all of you know if you’ve got something going on out there, if you want to get some information phone lines are open- 1-800-9302-2819. If you’d like to ask a question you can go to, write on that page and type in your question, and those questions will come up. We’ll be able to get them on air.
                            When we come back what does empowered mean?  And would we ever give up control to enable our children to become empowered, that’s all from Glenna Rice today. Stay tuned, we’ll be right back.
                            Welcome back everyone, welcome back. Glenna Rice is in the house and for those of you out there just go to her website, and also we’ve got some information  a very special announcement that we’re going to share with you in a little bit.  Glenna thank you for today’s show.
                            Looking at three things that great parents do differently. There’s a little bit of confusion and I think it’s really a conversation. What I talked about before was empowering kids right, and I think there’s confusion about wait a minute empowering kids I don’t really get that. Do I empower them or do I discipline them?
Glenna:                A great question again.  This is when the real different thing when I talk about discipline could definitely be something that empowers your children. Knowing what they can and can’t do, kids can choose things that don’t work for them and aren’t working for their future, and aren’t going to work for their life.  By empowering them you actually have an awareness of what would work for them, what they could choose to empower their life and you’re there to create a future for them.
                            You’re there to facilitate those possibilities and discipline could definitely be something that falls into that category of facilitating greatness in your children.  When we become rigid with it, it then becomes a problem. When we have too many rules, and too many regulations and too much control.  Because when you have control of anybody or anything in your life you can’t have the ability to follow the energy that works because the control stops it.  You need to be out of control to follow the energy.
                            Discipline can often have a really controlling way about it but you know my daughter she just recently had a whole Instagram- I don’t know what they were chatting on. One of those IM things, she got her new iPhone and she’s 12 year old. Her friends are there and they’re always chatting.
                            There was a conversation that they were starting to have with another girl which just wasn’t something that they should have been talking about on messaging like that.  I had to be really strict with her and I’m barely rarely strict with her because she’s pretty good and there’s few things that I have to take control of or stop. I said, if she didn’t stop doing this right now she was losing her phone because she wasn’t mature enough at this point to have a phone and do the kind of messaging she was doing.
                            She was arguing with a girl over the messaging app she was on.  Everything that she’s saying is available for everyone to see.
Dr. Pat:                Yes.
Glenna:                You talk about cyber bullying and those things are really serious in this reality right now and I had to take her phone and I had to chat with her about what she was actually creating, and what that could look like and what that could create in the future. Is this something that’s actually going to work for you.
                            By becoming really serious about it and saying I’m going to take away your phone which is discipline, she got softer enough for her to listen to me. It sort of became serious for her because something she really likes in her life is her phone.  And then I was able to have a conversation with her about it.
                            I asked her what does this conversation create?  Having her, empowering her so she knows what it’s creating, not just telling her. I’m letting her have an awareness of what she knows, really different to me saying you can’t do this I’m taking the phone away you’re in trouble. Does that make sense?
Dr. Pat:                It does and it is a different conversation.  We’ve gone through these periods now and this really points to the topic of the show which is what do great parents do differently. Somewhere along the way we decided that parenting is really a lot of work, too much work.  It’s easier to take a child who’s in front of the TV sometimes and yeah we’re all busy and we all work.
                            But even if we have to do those kinds of things there’s this level of guilt and shame we feel that we’re not there enough for them so therefore we don’t have the right to direct, guide and discipline.  This is the conversation, how do we use questions to help a parent get to that place where they can start to show up differently so that the children could show up differently.
                            That’s what you just described. You showed up differently right.
Glenna:                Yeah. One of the three things that I had, it’s not the only three things that great parents do differently but there’s three things that really help. One of them is to ask what your children require from you or if they require anything from you, is one of the things is really- it’s such a great help when parents start to do this.
                            The homework I give parents is to ask all day long do my children require anything of me now? Now this is often used in the light and heavy tools which I talk about on the show. If they require anything then it would be a yes, yes they do require something of me.

                            Most parents find that most of the time they think their kids require something of them and they actually don’t.  If you’re having guilt and shame because you’re putting your kids in front of the TV, well guilt and shame are distracters from what you’re actually. We call them distracters, those two things will keep you from awareness every single time when you go into guilt or shame. You can’t actually see what’s going on.
                            If you’re asking do my children require anything of me right now if you think they’re in front of the TV for too long and you get a yes, then change something. If you get a no well maybe actually the kid just had a full day at school and they’re decompressing in front of the TV, or maybe they’re really enjoying it.  I’ve been really liberal with TV with my kids their whole life and they’re amazing children, with great kids doing very well.
                            From every standpoint in this reality I’ve got great kids and they watch a lot of TV and they still do. Now they just watch movies on the computer and every parent is different.  Sometimes that TV set is what a parent requires to get the things in their life done too and it works for both you and your children.  If it’s working for you that’s a question to ask, is it working for me to have my kid in front of the TV right now yes or no?  If it’s a no change something, come up with a different activity.
                            Asking what your children require of you can give you so much information about who they are and who you are, and what your lives are actually like.  The kind of relationships you’re actually creating. It’s so often that they don’t.
                            When our children actually require something from us, they let us know. They come up and they find us, they call us.  That’s a really good clue that they require something and it feels like five seconds of your time. Hopefully they just want to know that your energy is always available to them.
Dr. Pat:                Right, what you’re talking about is really fascinating because now the dance begins. Here we are and we are in the flow of this, I love what you just said about most of the time they just want to know if our energy is available. Most of the time and this is me now, with the most of the time analogy. Most of the time as a parent you want to fix them, they just want to know if your energy is available and you think they want you to stop and make two dozen chocolate chip cookies.
Glenna:                Yeah, exactly.  My youngest makes chocolate chip cookies on her own all of the time.  She started baking and I was like do you want help?  No she doesn’t want help, she had YouTube videos that showed her stuff, she wanted to try it out. She makes some stuff all the time. If I had been in the mix of it she wouldn’t have actually acquired the skills she has which is actually better than mine in the kitchen now with baking.
                            By me not giving her too much of me, by me not thinking I have to be involved with her, she actually empowered herself to create what she wanted. I was always there, my energy was there if she had a question but I didn’t get involved because she was creating what she wanted. 
                            The thing is when you’re aware of these things, everything is easier and things get greater, and things get smoother. If I was forcing baking cookies on her because I thought that was required as a parent and there wasn’t a question about it, it wouldn’t have been fun for her. She may have stopped it and I’m kind of like a control freak, I probably would have taken over anything. That’s the way I would be.
                            She was able to create that and she does amazing stuff with baking, I’ll just say that.
Dr. Pat:                It’s kind of interesting when you get these subtle tidbits. Maybe you can go do something else because honestly you’re right about it. This now gets back to a conversation of empowered.  Empowered sometimes and this is really what I hear quite often is empowered children, there’s this thing that happens when a child has a realization and a parent has a realization that they’re both on the path to empowerment. For some parents it leaves a hole in their life, a void you know what I’m saying.
                            It’s like oh wow, you can do the cookies by yourself and I’m just going to fill in the blanks. Now what am I going to do?
Glenna:                That’s another one of the three things, you just leapt into the other one that great parents do different is they never give up their life for their children.
Dr. Pat:                Wow, we’re going to have to take a break and come back and talk about that. Right there, that has so many layers to it right. So many layers to it, everything from do I go out and have a lady’s night and leave the kids home?  By the way Glenna here’s a question, is that one more difficult for single parents both men and women or does it not matter?
                            We’re going to take a short break. Before we do I want to make sure you can find out more about Glenna. Go ahead and go to her website When we come back we’re going to take on that question but also I want to make sure you know about an exciting event happening in Seattle on December and January.  Gary Douglas coming to town as well.
                            Stay tuned, when we come back we’re going to be talking about that.  What is that place, that space, that void about and how does it affect both parent and child? Stay tuned we’ll be right back.
                            Wow everybody welcome back and for more information about us go to, go to If you want to take a sneak peek on what is going to be happening in January, go ahead and go to  Just take a sneak peek, poke around at what’s being created there thanks to all of you.  Thanks to your feedback, thanks to the feedback from our hosts and our co-hosts.
                            We are literally attempting to incorporate just about every bit of feedback that folks have given us. It’s taken us a bit longer than we thought but we’re very excited about it. For more information about Glenna you can go to
                            Glenna before we jump back into the conversation, you have a couple of events. I would love for you to let people know first of all, we touched upon the tele-call. How can folks be part of that and then please let folks know about some of the other things happening including Seattle.
Glenna:                So the tele-call you can find that on and join there. You can join monthly so you’re automatically signed up to every single month, or you can do different shows individually and people are doing both and that’s on my website.
                            This weekend I’m really excited, I’m doing the Energetic Synthesis Instructional Embodiment which is a body work targeting the connecting tissue using access tools and that’s in Denver on the 3rd and 4th.  If you’re in the Denver area on October 2nd I’m doing Inter-night that’s open to every single person. The class actually has some pre-requisite Barb’s class is one of them or permission of the instructor which is me.
                            I have a San Diego three day body class coming up in November, what’s really exciting is yeah we’re coming to Seattle. Access is coming to Seattle in a huge way. We have Gary Douglas, the founder of Access doing an access level two and three class in Seattle. It’s the first time he’s been to the city, people are signing up like crazy.  The people that have done access class are so excited and grateful in the Seattle area.
                            It just got posted last week and the energy around it is I’m so happy. Seattle is my favorite city in the world and bringing Gary there is just a dream. He’s coming January 16th to the 19th and you can find that on website and sign up there, and find out more information about Gerry.
                            It requires access bar foundation level one as a pre-requisite for that class so I’m teaching that up in Seattle with Dr. Andrew Pardella who works with me and travels with me quite a bit.  We’ll be there teaching that the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th in the Seattle area. We don’t have a venue it, we just posted this class so this is where you get all the basic tools I’ve been talking about during the show and other shows that I’ve done.
                            This is where you get bars which is body work which is the first time that people often receive it in their life. You learn this amazing technique and foundation level one we’ll show you different tools, a lot of them we’ve talked about and a whole bunch more. There’s a whole bunch more and there’s other body classes.
                            It was the class that really changed everything in my universe. I remember before I took this I couldn’t talk in public at all. If someone would have asked me to call into a radio show years ago I’d say you’re crazy. I’d never talk on the radio, you don’t even know me.  I was all up in his face, he just wanted me to call up and ask a question.

                            About six months later after doing bars foundational level one and using the tools he asked if I’d like to be a guest on his show and I was like, oh okay sure. I mean completely different.  The things that are in our way that we think are just part of our lives that always drive us crazy, go away with these tools. You start to change with who you always wanted to be and access who you are, I can go on and on about the foundational classes.  The information is amazing.
                            You get so much in five days.  I’m coming up in Seattle to teach that, I don’t get to teach that very often because I’m so busy teaching other classes.  I’m really excited.
Dr. Pat:                What do people have to do to register? I want to make sure that we get folks to the right place to register. By the way for those of you out there, we’re actually going to be featuring this event on the Dr. Pat Show website so you’ll be able to see a picture, and click on it and go right to registration.
                            The other thing we’re doing is we’re going to be putting information that you’ll be able to hear between now and the time of the event so that you have enough information about that.  Also is there a number that people can call Glenna if they have specific questions and they want to find out more but they’re just not finding it on the website.

Glenna:                My phone number is 415-235-2807. The best website to direct them for registration is and Glenna has two N’s in it.  It’s not up on my website because I just got it posted it on there, but you can access that through also.
Dr. Pat:                I love it, we give you the news as it’s happening folks so that’s what we love about this. Thank you Glenna and we’ll make sure folks have lots and lots of information as we move forward on things.
                            This conversation today, what are three things- well more than three things great parents do differently.  We were talking about a couple of things before the break and as I said to you, there is this little conundrum for a lot of folks between empowerment and discipline.  But also there’s this idea around us having to be perfect parents too, perfection. Just pure perfection.
                            You ask a couple of really interesting questions around that. I remember the first time you asked that question and I thought, just her asking that hurts.  The question is what does it mean to be willing to be a bad parent?  Oops.
Glenna:                That’s one of the things that great parents do differently is they’re willing to be seen as a bad parent. Not that you have to be a bad parent but someone is always going to judge you. Your mother-in-law is going to judge you, other parents at the school are going to judge you, the teachers will judge you.  Someone is always going to judge that you’re not parenting the way that they should or the way that they think you should, or they would parent.
                            Willing to be a bad parent is a willingness to receive their judgments is just interesting.  It has nothing to do with me and how I parent, if you’re creating parenting that works for you and actually you can’t be worried and concerned about what other parents or what other poeple are thinking about what you’re doing. Willing to be a bad parent opens up tons of possibilities on how you can parent.
                            If you’re trying to be a good parent you will never see anything that works for you because you’re trying to fit into some box that has nothing to do with the kids you’re raising because every child is different and every child’s parent parent differently. You can’t see what works for you if you’re trying to avoid people’s judgment or your own judgments about what a good parent or a bad parent is.
                            That’s one of the things, willing to be a bad parent and we just spoke about it, they never give up their lives for their children.
Dr. Pat:                That’s the one before the break where I thought uh-oh, what? I don’t even know how to begin to think about that. I’m stumped right here with that one.
Glenna:                They have a sense of self, parents that don’t give up their lives for their children it’s not like you neglect your children.  You have your life, you’re living your reality and you’re raising children. It’s not some mutually exclusive thing.  You have a sense of self and what that gives your children is they can have a sense of self too, which is a really different way to be in this world.
                            To know who you are, what you’d be, what you would choose that would create more for you, what you would choose that wouldn’t work for you. Having that awareness allows you to create a phenomenal life. Parents that don’t give up their life for their children let children know that they don’t ever have to give their life up for anyone else.  There’s a lot of stuff people talk about out there about I would give my life for my children.
                            What child actually wants that?  I don’t want my mother to give up her life for me, I want my mother’s life to be fabulous also.  I want her there for me when I require it but not to give up her life. This is where you get that empty nest syndrome and all those things when parents gave up their life for their children and the children aren’t going to be there.  They feel like something’s missing.
                            When you never give up your life there’s nothing missing when your children start to be who they are and do things without you.  It just creates more for everybody and I’m always asking parents what else can you add to your life?  What if you had a phenomenal life and were a parent?  What if those things can both exist at the same time. It doesn’t have to be one or the other.
Dr. Pat:                Part of this is, I don’t know about you but I’m prone to making a few mistakes here and there, that’s kind of been with me most of my life.  But as a parent you know it’s so hard to wrap our minds around the idea that we actually make a mistake. The reason I’m asking you about this because parents sometimes believe the stakes are so high that making a mistake as a parent is absolutely devastating.
                            You know we’re human beings aren’t we and the question I guess is, what do we do about the idea of making mistakes?  What is it that we need as parents to A, acknowledge and B, do?  What are some of the questions that help us as parents move beyond “The big mistake.”     
                            I mean do we make big mistakes? 

Glenna:                That would be a total judgment. That would be making a mistake and calling it a mistake is creating a reality around something that showed up into a mistake. You’re creating it that way.
                            One of the great tools is what’s the right about this I’m not getting?  Sometimes you can do things that don’t work so well, oops that was a choice that didn’t work out so well. We make choices and everything is a choice. If you don’t make a choice that doesn’t work, make another choice.  Mistakes lock things in place and then you can dwell on it forever.
                            There’s things that probably have shown up in you and your kid’s lives that didn’t work out so well.  What else can I do different here?  What does my child require, what do I require h ere? What’s so right about this it will give you clarity about what was actually showing up.
                            Sometimes it’s things that look like mistakes possibly aren’t, if you’re not holding on to anything with this staunch point of view it’s a mistake your kids won’t either. Parents are blamed for kind of everything that goes on in a child’s life, especially a mother. If you go to a psychologist everything that happens that was bad it somehow went back to the mother.
                            this is also are you willing to be a bad parent?  Because there are things that you did that if it doesn’t work for your kids when they’re a teenager they’re going to blame you for them.  Wow is that actually true for me, is what she’s talking about actually true or he’s talking about?  Is that actually right what they’re saying because they can make you wrong for something today and tomorrow they’re your best friend.
                            Willing to be really flexible, all of the energy if you live in 10 seconds. Every choice is 10 seconds and things are always changing, how would you like those changes to be in your life? What would you choose to create the life that would work for you every 10 seconds?
Dr. Pat:                I want to talk about that a little bit more. Actually I think it would be great to just skip the break because I mentioned this earlier. This is really, let’s talk about it from a parental point of view. The idea of having a decision made 10 seconds ago and revisiting it 10 seconds later, I don’t know that we have learned that.
                            What I’m trying to say is there’s this thing that happens of course when you become a parent but as we look at this, how willing are we to let go of the decision I made 10 seconds ago Glenna?
Glenna:                Right, it’s a decision you can’t.  It’s a decision, you decided it and it’s going to be stuck to you if it stops working  but it’s a choice to do something a certain way.  I’m trying to think of a good example.
                            So the decision that kids have to go to school but they have a choice for them to go to school. They’re always choosing every day that you’re choosing that. You can keep choosing the same thing over and over for 12 years with each kid. But there’s sometimes days when going to school doesn’t work for anybody in the house, the kids might be sick or it may be that it’s a bad day.
                            I remember one day I couldn’t get the kids up to go to school and I was fighting and fighting and I was like what is this?  I was just aware of something really strange. We stayed home and that was the day that one of the school shootings happened in another city. Now what was I aware of this morning? I was aware of the energy that no one should go  to school today.
                            By not having a decision that they have to go to school I just perceived that awareness. It wasn’t in my class but when I heard that on the news later in the day I was like wow, I would actually be aware of something that was happening in my kid’s school. Because I can follow the energy and I don’t have decisions it’s a choice, they probably wouldn’t go to school that day.  That’s a huge gift for me to have that awareness.
                            That’s where decisions sticks you, it’s always choosing all the time. You’re continually choosing things that work and don’t and if you don’t make a decision you have more flexibility to follow the energy, to be aware of what’s actually going on.
Dr. Pat:                What I’m really struck by and I guess it’s kind of more recent with me. Since we’re talking about chocolate chip cookies. There are choices that we make all the time. Imagine that it’s your job to put food on the table three times a day and if it’s  not on the table to make sure that children have food. There are choices we make and I want to ask you about this because it really does tie in to things that are happening in  parenting in the world today. It has to do around food.
                            I don’t know how it is where you live Glenna but I know that there is a new level of awareness around food that’s being served in schools, food that’s ending up on the table for our children and these are choices that we make. But yet at times we hear parents talk about them as if they’re not.  I think food, nutrition is a huge conversation around parents.
                            I have heard more parents feel so bad, they’ve actually said this Glenna. I’m such a bad parent, I’ve served pasta now three days in a row.
Glenna:                Food is huge, we can probably do a whole series.  Food, eating and kids and I have a different point of view. Just the three meals a day isn’t a question, it’s a conclusion. What are we going to have for dinner isn’t a question.  Are you guys hungry, do you want to have dinner tonight actually is.  Are your bodies hungry?
                            I did three meals a day and when I started doing it more of a question, when I started doing more of the access I started looking at it different.  Are my kids actually hungry, are my kids doing food because I think they’re supposed to? Does it have anything to do with their body and my children eat very weird and they’re very healthy.
Dr. Pat:                Very weird to the outside world.
Glenna:                Very weird, I would definitely be seen as a bad parent because none of my children will eat breakfast. I’ve spent years trying to make breakfast because I enjoy breakfast. This is where I’m willing to have my life and not give it up for the children. If I make breakfast it’s just for me because they don’t like breakfast.
                            I’ve been making pancakes for years and no one would eat them. My eats will eat at 2 o’clock. My kids go to school without having a breakfast which is really going against what every nutritionist is saying right now but they’re okay with it. One of my youngest daughters said, “You don’t make the other kids eat breakfast.”  Because they were teenagers at this point and they just wouldn’t. Why are you making me?
                            I’m like I’m just making you breakfast because that’s what we’re told to do as parents. It has nothing to do with you and your body and I stopped. I said if you want breakfast let me know.  Sometimes she’ll grab a little snack bar or something but she doesn’t have breakfast. really do a question with everything and give up the things that aren’t working and your life gets easier, your kids lives get easier.
                            We actually eat what their bodies will enjoy, what’s going to create more for their bodies, what their body is requiring and what my body is too. Our diner times are very strange. I cook a couple of things and there’s food that they can all eat and everybody comes in and grabs what they want and does their thing. Sometimes we all sit down and have a nice dinner together.
                            It’s just based on the day and the energy, and what feels right to us.
Dr. Pat:                Wow, I want to know from you what it’s like to have the tables turned?  Because what we’re not talking about is you as a parent Glenna with all these tools that have somehow had to rub off on your children. I’m very curious to know what it’s like to be on the other side of the question.
Glenna:                To be a parent and have kids that have questions?
Dr. Pat:                Or throwing the questions back at you.
Glenna:                They do, when I’ve had a funky moment we’ve done the question about who does it belong to which means a lot of the stuff going on in your life that you’re bothered by doesn’t actually belong to you.  Who does it belong to opens up a possibility to see that it’s not yours. It’s like a magical question to give you more awareness about things.
                            I’ll have a funky day and my daughter will go, well who does that belong to mom?
Dr. Pat:                It stops you doesn’t it, it stops you. To think about it.
Glenna:                It does, they’re some of the greatest facilitators I know all three of them.  What do you get when you have three beings in my house that I really like, I like all three of them that actually have questions available to ask me also.
Dr. Pat:                And each other now because this is really the energy of this.  It is kind of where you’re passed on tools for them.  And getting back to the conversation of the show today, what do great parents do?  I mean part of this is to provide that knowledge transfer, the tools for them to take out into the world, use within your own home, use with each other the siblings. 
                            But now take that back out into the world that they live in, their friends, their schools, their children- how well do they apply them in those environments at this time. I know they’re growing but how well would you say that they do at applying them?
Glenna:                They’re phenomenal. My youngest daughter was just actually on a radio show it’s called Teens Done Differently and it was on Monday. She was a guest with me on a radio show about using access tools as a teenager. She talked about how she was using it in school and she actually blew the older girl about how she uses them, and me. I was even surprised.
                            What else is possible if it’s something she uses? What can I change with the teacher to make my grade better? What does the teacher require from me for this homework? Then she gets awareness on what actually is requires and she was a straight A student last year using the tools of access.
                            She’s also been available to negotiate crazy stuff with teenage girls and make it work for her that I would have given anything to have those tools when I was 13 or 12, in middle school. It’s incredible and they all have this, they have a sense of self that I was talking about. They don’t doubt themselves, they know what works for them.  They don’t come to the decisions or conclusions that most kids do.
                            They’re really flexible with how they look at everything and when something doesn’t work, they give it up easily and create something different.  They’re just an inspiration all the time for me.
Dr. Pat:                Now these classes that you teach, are they open for kids, children?
Glenna:                Yeah which is probably one of the reasons why access is so wonderful for me is kids under 15 come free.  The 16 to 18 they’re half price and they need to pay some of that so it’s valuable to them, it doesn’t matter if it’s a dollar or what. Fifteen and under they need to have a parent that’s staying with them or at least someone that’s watching with them. You can bring your kids to all classes, I’ve had many kids. I’ve had more kids in a class than parents a few times.
                            The kids their contribution is they don’t have this much reality stuff in their world.  Sometimes you’re asking them questions and they look at the adults like you guys don’t know that?
Dr. Pat:                I love it. Glenna thank you so much for today. We’re going to make sure everybody knows about some of these upcoming events and what’s happening. I would love to make sure that everybody has Glenna’s website or, and we’ll make sure you have that. One last question, what is your personal message and what would you like to leave us with today and thank you.
Glenna:                Personal message, you know what would lit take to be a great parent, what would you like to choose if you could choose something different what would that be?
Dr. Pat:                I love that. Glenna Rice everybody, looking forward to you coming to town. Again go to, you can also go to the Dr. Pat Show in a couple of days and you’ll see a banner up there that will take you right to the events and much more.

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